U.S., Australia And Japan Vow On Combating CCP’s Threats

It was reported on October 1st that the defense ministers of the United States, Australia and Japan agreed to enhance their military cooperation in response to the CCP’s growing ambitions on “shaping the world.”

When welcoming the counterparts from Australia and Japan to the American military headquarters for the Indo-Pacific region in Hawaii, the U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin expressed the deep concerns of the U.S. and its allies about the CCP’s increasingly aggressive behaviors in the Taiwan Strait.

Australian defense minister Richard Marles believed his government has been paying close attention and seeking to uphold the existing global order challenged by the Communist China. He accused the CCP of attempting to unilaterally change the status quo of the Indo-Pacific region through threats and force. Austin also held a bilateral meeting with Marles, focusing on a 2021 agreement among the U.S., U.K. and Australia that would provide nuclear-powered submarines to Canberra.

In addition, the U.S. continued to exert diplomatic pressure on Beijing and to contain the CCP’s influence in the Indo-Pacific region. On September 29th, the White House announced an $810 million aid package for Pacific Island nations to counter to the CCP’s threats in the region. U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris paid visits to Japan and South Korea last week, during which she said the U.S. would take resolute actions in the entire Asia including the Taiwan Strait for maintaining the peace and stability in the regions.

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