Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus The Director-General of the WHO
“We appreciate the seriousness with which China is taking this outbreak, especially the commitment from top leadership, and the transparency they have demonstrated, including sharing data and genetic sequence of the virus. ”
—— Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
Previously, the earliest case identified by PRC authorities can be traced back to November 17, 2019.[Related articles]
Currently, the latest new science report’s results define the period between mid-October and mid-November 2019 as the plausible interval when the first case of SARS-CoV-2 emerged in Hubei province.[Science]
Throughout late November and early December, hospitals across Wuhan reported dozens of cases of the mystery illness.
By December 20th, 60 people had contracted the virus, including family members in close contact with Huanan workers, but who did not have direct exposure to the market. This was an early sign of human-to-human transmission.
By December 25th, medical staff at two different hospitals in Wuhan were quarantined after contracting the virus, a second clear and early sign of human-to human transmission.
In accordance with the 2005 International Health Regulations, the CCP government should have notified WHO within 24 hours of the discovery of the outbreak, but it did not do so as required.
On December 31st, Chinese media reports of an outbreak of atypical pneumonia cases began to appear online. A machine translation of one such report was posted on the website for the Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases (ProMED), a “U.S.-based open-access platform for early intelligence about infectious disease outbreaks.”
According to Dr. Michael Ryan, the Executive Director of the WHO’s Health Emergencies Program, this post on ProMed is how the WHO found out about the outbreak:
On 31st December information on our epidemic intelligence from open-source platform partners, PRO-MED, was received indicating a signal of a cluster of pneumonia cases in China. That was from open sources from Wuhan.
On the same day we had a request from health authorities in Taiwan and the message referred to, news sources indicated at least seven atypical pneumonia cases reported in Wuhan media… That request was sent immediately, on the same day, to our country office for follow-up with Chinese authorities and on 1st January we formally requested verification of the event under the [International Health of these reports from the PRC’s government.]
Despite public reporting to the contrary, the PRC never notified the WHO about the outbreak in Wuhan.
On July 2, 2020,the Washington Free Beacon reported China Never Reported Existence of Coronavirus to World Health Organization.The quiet admission from the international health organization, which posted an “updated” timeline to its website on June 30, flies in the face of claims from some of its top officials, including WHO director general Tedros Adhanom. He maintained for months that China had informed his organization about the emerging sickness.
Contrary to claims from both Chinese officials and the World Health Organization, China did not report the existence of the coronavirus in late 2019, according to a WHO New timeline tracking the spread of the virus. Rather, international health officials discovered the virus through information posted to a U.S. website.[Related articles]
The WHO did not make public its knowledge of the outbreak in Wuhan until January 4th, when it issued two tweets.
On January 1, 2020, CCP officials ordered the Huanan market to be closed and sanitized, destroying forensic evidence that may have provided insight into the origins of the outbreak. An official at the Hubei Provincial Health Commission ordered gene sequencing companies and labs to stop testing and to destroy patient samples.
The following day, scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) completed genetic mapping of SARS-CoV-2 but did not publish the data or inform the WHO.
On January 3, the National Health Commission issued a nationwide order similar to the one put in place by the Hubei Provincial Health Commission, requiring that samples of the virus be destroyed. The CCP refused to acknowledge that it issued this order until May 15, 2020.34
On January 5th, a second lab in China, at a research institute in Shanghai, informed China’s National Health Commission that it completely mapped the genome of the virus and that it was similar to SARS-CoV.
For a second time, the CCP failed to notify the WHO that Chinese researchers had identified the virus, sequenced its genome, and that it was a coronavirus genetically similar to the virus responsible for the 2003 SARS pandemic.
The first death related to the outbreak was reported in Chinese state media on January 11th, as travelers from across China began to depart for the annual Spring Festival travel season.
The same day, frustrated the CCP had not taken action in response to his January 5th warning, Shanghai Public Health Clinical Centre Professor Zhang Yongzhen published his lab’s genomic sequencing data of SARS-CoV-2 on virological.org, an online discussion forum for epidemiology and virus molecular evolution, and GenBank, an open access online database maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information within the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). Hours later, the CCP’s National Health Commission announced that it would provide the WHO with the virus’ genomic sequencing.
The next day, on January 12th, the CCP closed the Shanghai lab for “rectification.”
Meanwhile, the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) published online the full genomic sequence of the virus it previously completed ten days prior on January 2nd and the CCP provided it to the WHO. It is likely that Professor Zhang’s online publication is what forced the CCP to finally share SARS-CoV-2’s genetic sequencing with the world.
During the July 29th, 2020 Bannon’s WarRoom 306 revealed that the wrong full genomic sequence of SARS-CoV-2 was uploaded on January 12. The CCP only uploaded the correct sequence on January 14.
Characteristics of Patients with Novel Coronavirus–Infected Pneumonia in Wuhan as of January 22, 2020.
The new england journal of medicine | Early Transmission Dynamics in Wuhan, China, of Novel Coronavirus–Infected Pneumonia
Letter from Shanghai Fudan University Public Health Clinical Center to the National Health Commission
On January 5th, a research institute informed China’s National Health Commission that it had completed mapping of the genome of the virus and that it was similar to SARS-CoV.
On January 13th, the first COVID-19 case outside of the PRC was reported in Thailand.
On January 14th,The WHO’s official Twitter account published a tweet stating that “Chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission.”
This is despite the above-mentioned reports of Chinese healthcare workers contracting the virus from patients, a warning regarding human-to-human transmission from Taiwan to the WHO, and the public announcement by Dr. Ho at the University of Hong Kong.
On 22 January 2020
The Director-General of the WHO, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, convened the first meeting of the WHO Emergency Committee to discuss the outbreak. After two days of discussion, the Emergency Committee was divided on whether to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).
Under Article 49 of the IHR, while the Emergency Committee provides its views to the Director-General, the Director-General alone has the authority to declare a PHEIC.
As Director-General, the decision rested with Dr. Tedros. He decided not to declare a PHEIC, stating, “This is an emergency in China, but it has not yet become a global health emergency. At this time, there is no evidence of human-to-human transmission outside China.”
Again, this was despite confirmed cases outside of the PRC, cases among healthcare staff within the PRC, and warnings from Taiwan and the University of Hong Kong that human-to-human transmission was occurring.
On the same day, the CCP implemented a city wide quarantine in Wuhan, halting all public transportation in and out of the city. However, due to the decision being delayed, an estimated five million people had already left Wuhan in the days and weeks prior. The CCP later suspended group travel abroad but allowed individuals to travel even though, according to the Nikkei Asian Review, “groups account for less than half of all Chinese tourists heading abroad.”
The announcement came seventeen days after massive outbound traffic for the Spring Festival began.of the next several days, France, Australia, and Canada reported their first confirmed cases of COVID-19.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has stopped a clinical trial for hydroxychloroquine.
A paper in the Lancet, a peer-reviewed medical journal, showed that people taking the drug were at higher risk of death and heart problems than those that were not. [Full Article]
“This concern relates to the use of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine in COVID-19,”
—–WHO director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus told a news briefing.
On June 4th, 2020, an article about the treatment of COVID‑19 patients using HCQ that had been published in The Lancet on May 22nd, 2020, was retracted by its authors as the paper was questioned about the accuracy of the data used in the article. This was one of the scientific pieces of evidence that HCQ doesn’t work for Covid-19, which was built on a problematic research.
This problematic study made the World Health Organization suspend HCQ from its global drug trials for COVID‑19 treatments on May 26th, 2020, but the organization announced to resume the study on June 3rd, 2020, right before the retraction of The Lancet paper.[Learn More HCQ]
Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus The Director-General of the WHO
WHO today accepted the recommendation from the Solidarity Trial’s International Steering Committee to discontinue the trial’s hydroxychloroquine and lopinavir/ritonavir arms. The Solidarity Trial was established by WHO to find an effective COVID-19 treatment for hospitalized patients.
The International Steering Committee formulated the recommendation in light of the evidence for hydroxychloroquine vs standard-of-care and for lopinavir/ritonavir vs standard-of-care from the Solidarity trial interim results, and from a review of the evidence from all trials presented at the 1-2 July WHO Summit on COVID-19 research and innovation. [Full Article]
Many countries either adopted or declined early treatment with HCQ, effectively forming a large trial with 1.8 billion people in the treatment group and 663 million in the control group. As of November 14, 2020, an average of 138.5 per million in the treatment group have died, and 588.4 per million in the control group, relative risk 0.235. After adjustments, treatment and control deaths become 267.8 per million and 889.8 per million, relative risk 0.30. The probability of an equal or lower relative risk occurring from random group assignments is 0.030. Accounting for predicted changes in spread, we estimate a relative risk of 0.30. The treatment group has a 69.9% lower death rate. Confounding factors affect this estimate. We examined diabetes, obesity, hypertension, life expectancy, population density, urbanization, BCG vaccine use, testing level, and intervention level, which do not account for the effect observed. [Learn More]
Early treatment with hydroxychloroquine: a country-based analysis
Covid Analysis, August 5, 2020 (Version 35, November 14, 2020)
Ever since the first cluster of cases of atypical pneumonia was detected in Wuhan, China, WHO has been has been looking for evidence of how the virus that has turned the world upside down originally made the jump from animals to humans.
——The statement directly ignore evidence derived from the laboratory
For more than a year, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has systematically prevented a transparent and thorough investigation of the COVID-19 pandemic’s origin, choosing instead to devote enormous resources to deceit and disinformation. Nearly two million people have died. Their families deserve to know the truth. Only through transparency can we learn what caused this pandemic and how to prevent the next one.
The CCP’s deadly obsession with secrecy and control comes at the expense of public health in China and around the world. The previously undisclosed information in this fact sheet, combined with open-source reporting, highlights three elements about COVID-19’s origin that deserve greater scrutiny.
Marion Koopmans traveled to Wuhan as a World Health Organization (WHO) investigator involved in the origin of SARS-CoV-2.
Back in 2008, she was hired as a scientific advisor to the Guangdong Province CDC, China.