Taiwan Remains an Issue with Xi after 20th Congress

On October 16th, Xi Jingping, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s supreme leader, convened the party’s 20th Congress and confirmed his 3rd term as the General Secretary. Within expectation, Xi took absolute control of the communist regime, and the only problem left is Taiwan. Xi clarified that Beijing will not exclude the option to use force, and reserve every possible manner to annex Taiwan, stating that this is targeted against the ‘separatists’ activists’ and their activities.

In addition, Xi stressed the importance of speeding up military expansion, making the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) a world-class military power. Xi said that the regime will march into a new era of military modernization, and fully prepare for war, to ensure global deterrence and focus more on emerging weapons and warfare.

According to reports, Wen-Ti Sung, a political scientist who teaches in the Australian National University Taiwan Studies Program, said that Xi’s speech mentioned Taiwan issues at the beginning, which is much different from his previous speeches. Sung believes that Xi wants to paint a sense of urgency in the situation.

Kuomintang senior official Alexander Huang stated that Xi did not use the term ‘one country two systems’ in his speech when talking about Taiwan, despite the term was included in his official reports.

Xi’s speech on the 20th Congress completely showed his ambition to reign for life and take over the world. The first step for Xi’s hegemony is to take over Taiwan quickly. The CCP never ruled Taiwan, but still claims Taiwan as a part of their regime. Such mentality could lead to dangerous actions by the regime, and bring devastative consequences to people in mainland China on the free island. The communist dictatorship never puts people’s life and well-being first, and Taiwan issues is just an excuse for Beijing to get a hold on Taiwan’s strategic resources for their rulership.

Taiwan and the West are now informed about the CCP’s brutality and insanity, and will not stand by and watch.

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