Silicon Valley Innovator Keith Krach Calls on Universities to Withdraw Investments in Communist China

According to a report on Oct 14th, Silicon Valley titan Keith Krach recently published an open letter calling on universities to divest investments from Chinese companies involved in Communist China’s genocide of the Uyghur population.

Krach, who has served as the State Department’s Under Secretary for Economy during Trump’s presidency and now chairs Purdue University’s Krach Institute for Technology Diplomacy repeated his call to university management in an interview last week with Nury A.Turkel, a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute. He strongly recommended that board members of the university should support divest investments to any companies involved in the Chinese Communist Party(CCP)’s mass detention of Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities in Xinjiang.

Krach said the universities are trustworthy institutions but they don’t realize Chinese companies have enforced unfair and inhuman labors to make products they have procured and that those companies are actually part of CCP military.

In his open letter, Krach pointed out that during his tenure at the State Department, he has already made a broader request for civil society leaders to divest from China. The U.S. government officially identified in January 2021 that the Communist nation is forcibly assimilating and eliminating ethnic and religious minorities. Around the world, CCP’s atrocities against Uyghurs have been recognized as genocide by lawmakers in the Czech Republic, France, the United Kingdom and a growing number of other countries.

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