U.S. To Introduce Legislation To Thoroughly Investigate CCP’s Overseas Assets

During a Grand Live Broadcast on October 9th, Miles Guo stated that the U.S. has enacted law to investigate and sanction the assets of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and their family members’ in America, Europe and its allies, the legislation would be consistent with the Protection of Hong Kong Act, the Taiwan Invasion Prevention Act, the Taiwan Policy Act of 2022, and the Industrial Technology Protection Act.

 Unlike the sanctions imposed by the U.S. on Russia after Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, America started investigating individuals and related institutions of the CCP officials. Through a series of investigation actions, it is likely that the U.S. will find out the transactions of the CCP’s overseas assets, the origin of the assets, as well as the legitimacy of the assets and the banks involved, and even economic crimes. For these illegal assets, the U.S. government will not only seize them, but also take criminal measures. Since it seized power, the CCP has been organizing and systematically hiding large amounts of illegal assets overseas.

 Miles has revealed that after the Tiananmen Square Massacre (June 4th) incident, Yao Yilin’s family transferred large assets to the United States and purchased properties. Recently, properties belonging to Yao Qing , held by Zhang Songqiao and Xu Jiayin , were put up for sale, and the overseas assets of the CCP kleptocrats are being exposed.

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