US Senators Vow To Help Taiwan Become an Independent Nation

Despite China’s anger, U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn landed in Taiwan on Thursday (August 25th), which is the fourth visit by an American politician this month.

 When she met Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen on Friday, Blackburn called Taiwan a “country” and pledged to support the island’s “independence,” according to a newspaper report.

 Blackburn posted on Twitter that she just landed in Taiwan with a message to Beijing – the U.S. will not be bullied, and it remains steadfast in upholding freedoms around the world and will not tolerate efforts to undermine her country and its allies.

 She also said it was important to support the island nation to preserve its freedom.

 Blackburn said further that she is looking forward to a wonderful visit and remember her visit in 2008 deeply and the opportunity to see some of the island nation firsthand.

 The Tennessee Republican added that the U.S. looks forward in continuing to help and support Taiwan as it moves forward as an independent country.

 Commenting on her visit, Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry said it thanks the U.S. congressmen who once again demonstrate their firm support and commitment to Taiwan through the visit, at a time when mainland China constantly issues threats.

 The recent visits by US dignitaries angered the Chinese Communist Party regime as it held military exercises near Taiwan. Beijing considers Taiwan part of its territory and even claims it will use force to unify the two territories if needed.

 Meanwhile, Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen praised the visits, and said in remarks through live broadcast on her social media page that in recent times, many public figures from a wide range of American society have visited Taiwan. These warm acts of kindness and unwavering support have strengthened the determination of Taiwan in defending itself.

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