Le PCC va libérer à nouveau du virus
La source du virus cette fois est probablement du Moyen-Orient. Commencer du Moyen-Orient. Comme des
La source du virus cette fois est probablement du Moyen-Orient. Commencer du Moyen-Orient. Comme des
Es zeigt, dass es schon 767 Fälle der Herzerkrankung gegeben hat , was in der
PAG, die pazifische Allianzgruppe, wie gefährlich ist sie? Dies ist sehr wichtig. Einer unserer Kameraden,
“Liberty Times”의 보도에 의하면, 요 몇달새 발생한 고강도의 대만영토 침범행위이후 중공국 군대가 7월30일 대만부근 복건성
이번 바이러스는 아마도 중동서 기인할 것이고 중동서 시작될겁니다. 무슨 낙타변이바이러스 혹은 사막개미교배 바이러스 혹은 중동서
Programs in countries around the world have begun quietly compensating people who have been injured by or died as a result of the COVID-19 vaccines.
Anderson: This vaccine campaign will go down as the biggest scandal in medical history , and moreover it’ll be known as biggest crime ever committed on humannity!
Miles Guo, in a Gettr’s live broadcast on August 5th, talked about the unreasonable distribution
As for Olaf Bruhl, a citizen of Berlin in Germany, nothing can be more important