New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Miles Guo on Distribution of HCN for Whistleblower Movement Volunteer

Miles Guo, in a Gettr’s live broadcast on August 5th, talked about the unreasonable distribution of Himalaya Coins (HCN) for volunteers working for the Whistleblower Movement, which was widely concerned by the followers.

Miles said Caogen, a leading follower based in Japan, is currently working with fellow fighters selected by each Farms to study the issue of distribution of HCN for volunteers. He said that the distribution of HCN was too unfair that too many cases is unreasonable, which were found during the scrutiny of HCN allocation. A manager of Farm had allocated tremendous number of HCN to volunteers without authorization, and some volunteers have been distributed tens of thousands of HCN. Even worse, there is a single person who took 2 million HCNs.

Miles said that HCN must be allocated according to the real work and contribution. It should be distributed reasonably and have to base on standardized rule. He suggested to take back all the HCN allocated to volunteers directly, and redistribute them to volunteers according to a common evaluation process by Himalaya Alliance (Committee). The redistribution must be reasonable, open and transparent.

Miles emphasized that redistribution must not let down those who work hard behind the stage. If anyone is forged material, all their HCN allocation will be rescinded.

Miles adheres to the redistribution of HCN. The reallocation of HCN should be a precedent for Lying Flat Coin, or Gettr Coin.

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