In a live broadcast on December 4th, Miles Guo said that according to a fellow fighter, who revealed Xi Jinping’s internal speech in the Party, the COVID testing, quarantine and Zero-Covid policies are the result of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s years of operation and careful consideration. It is a way enabling them to invade Taiwan, control all Chinese people, confront the West, and achieve global domination.
The quarantine and the Zero-Covid policy has become the CCP’s political nuclear weapon. In his internal speech, Xi Jinping claimed that the quarantine and Zero-Covid have saved Communist China tens of trillions of yuan annually. He also claimed that by stopping the supply chain’s operation, the United States and Europe’s monetary system and supply systems will be destroyed. Additionally, Xi thinks that the quarantine and Zero-Covid policy is good training for the Chinese people as he believes after experiencing these ordeal, the Chinese will muster up enough courage and willingness to invade Taiwan, and even launch a nuclear attack on Japan.
Over the past decade, the CCP has deployed military bases overseas, and the American government hasn’t yet realized and taken zero countermeasures. Xi believes that the 2.8 billion Christians and Catholics, or the entire Western civilized world, are his enemies. He wants to dominate the remaining 5 billion people and eventually transform the way humans live their life.
The CCP’s draconian Zero-Covid policy along with the extreme quarantine restriction has reached every part of Communist China. Now, every single trait of activities of Chinese citizens are under strict surveillance. The right to travel and personal freedom has become completely non-existent. The situation can be literally described the same as an old saying in the Soviet Union, “Big Brother is watching you!”.

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