On November 24, a website broke the shocking news that Luc Despins, the trustee of Miles Guo’s personal bankruptcy case, took the initiative to invite Miles to meet. Luc offered blackmail conditions, saying that either Miles pay 250 million USD to him personally, or Miles and his family, as well as the people of the New Federal State of China following Miles to take down the CCP, will have to encounter judicial battles in the United States.
According to the report, Luc initiated a phone call with Miles on Nov. 16, urgently requesting a meeting with Miles the following day, to which Miles readily agreed. The two sides set the meeting at Brown Rudnick LLP’s New York office and agreed that in addition to Miles and his attorneys, Luc and Nicholas A. Bassett, another attorney from Paul Hastings, would attend the meeting.
The meeting on the 17th lasted about an hour, and Miles along with everyone accompanying him was required to sign a non-disclosure agreement. The meeting was set up by Luc as a one-way conversation and Miles was not allowed to respond during the meeting, the source said.
Luc claimed to be the trustee of the disputed assets in the bankruptcy case and told Miles that no one would believe the testimony made by his family in court that the above assets did not belong to Miles. Meanwhile, the then-negotiating $65 million settlement between Miles and PAX, the Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund Limited, would not happen. He praised Miles for his extraordinary fight in the lawsuit and acknowledged that there was no evidence to prove that Miles had any wrongdoing but said he would still find “evidence” that would eventually take away everything from Miles, including those entities and assets that Miles’ family testified were not related to Miles.
Miles asked Luc if he was an agent of the CCP, and instead of answering, Luc reiterated that he would “destroy” Miles and his family. Luc said he would evict Miles from the 18th floor of the Sherry-Netherland hotel where he currently resides, making Miles’ life unimaginably miserable and forcing his family into poverty.
Luc stated that he did not care about Miles’s mission to establish the New Federal State of China and take down the CCP but offered a final solution: he would allow Miles to keep the yacht Lady May, the 18th-floor apartment, and the mansion in Connecticut during the bankruptcy proceedings, provided that Miles pays him $250 million personally. If Miles refused, then as trustee of the bankruptcy case, he would work with the U.S. courts, the DOJ, the IRS and the SEC to “tear apart” Miles” and “destroy” the New Federal State of China and the Whistleblower Movement.
Faced with the blatant threat, Miles did not accept Luc’s blackmail offer but said while leaving: “You can either kill me or send me to jail. Otherwise, I will fight to the end.”

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