Jewish Lawyer Calls For Opposition To CCP’s Persecution Of NFSC Citizens

On November 19th, EST, through live streaming on GETTR, Jewish lawyer Elliot Dordick called on fellow legal practitioners in the United States and around the world to renounce working for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which is currently the world’s largest authoritarian regime.

 The CCP realized that the global reach of the Whistleblower Movement is a real threat to its dictatorship. For five years, Beijing has been using its unrestricted legal warfare to persecute Miles Guo and his fellow fighters. Through its BGY schemes, the CCP has infiltrated the American judicial system, and has filed more than 70 lawsuits against Miles in the United States and other countries. Intelligence indicated that in the following months, it will launch a new wave of severe persecution against Miles and the New Federal State of China (NFSC) citizens.

 As a Jewish lawyer, Dordick’s family suffered Nazi persecution and had to flee Eastern Europe. He said that although he was blind to the issue three months ago, he now wants to express his support for the NFSC and calls on the legal community to stop working for the CCP, especially those lawyers who are persecuting Miles Guo on behalf of it.

 He called on the lawyers representing PAX to abandon their representation of the CCP. He said that when lawyers represent authoritarian dictators, it’s not just business, it’s unethical. Successful legal practitioners, in particular, need to keep in mind the ethical spirit that was established in the United States, a land that represents freedom. The CCP is not only an enemy of the United States, but also an enemy of human civilization around the world.

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