Japanese Government Cabinet Approves Further Sanctions Against North Korea

On Oct. 18th, it is reported by Japanese media, after North Korea launched a ballistic missile over Japan on Oct. 4th, the Japanese government has decided at a cabinet meeting on the morning of Oct. 18th to freeze the assets of five organizations involved in the development of nuclear missiles.

 The Chief Cabinet Secretary of Japan Matsuno Hirokazu stressed in a press conference, the North Korean’s missile launch is a serious and urgent threat to the Japan’s national security, and it is a shameless act that threatens the peace and security of this region and international community, which is unacceptable. He believes that North Korea will probably conduct further provocation in the future, including the nuclear test, and Japan intends to take all possible measures to gather information and conduct the vigilance monitoring.

 In response to North Korea’s launch of the intercontinental ballistic missile-class missile, in this April, Japan had imposed sanctions on North Korea, including freezing the assets of four organizations and 9 individuals who involved in the development of nuclear missiles.

 The U.S. and South Korea also have respectively made decisions this month to impose additional sanctions regarding the series of missile launches by North Korea. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea gave high praise to Japan for these sanctions, and believes that the sanctions taken by Japan against North Korea this time reflects the firm will of South Korea, the United States and Japan to resolutely respond to the North Korean nuclear missile development. Further, the cross and repeat designation of unilateral sanctions by South Korea, the United States and Japan have significantly improved the effectiveness of the sanctions against North Korean. Ministry of Foreign Affairs also said, South Korea will join hands with the United States, Japan, and other friendly alliances to promote greater international cooperation to address the North Korean problems.

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