After Miles Guo revealed Zhang Songqiao (张松桥), one of the biggest money laundering agents in the Zeng family, Fay Fay Show dived into the various methods and details of Zhang Songqiao’s accumulating money for himself and his master. On August 29, Fay Fay revealed how Zhang Songqiao issued bonds through a shell corporation to cash out.
According to various public sources, Zhang Songqiao has been transferring his assets overseas from Hong Kong since 2015, during which time he still used shell corporations to issue bonds and cash out a lot of money from the capital market. In 2021, the Hong Kong-listed C C Land Holdings Limited, which Zhang Songqiao controls, reached the point of insolvency, with a net debt of HK$2.6 billion.
But in this situation, the company still acts as a guarantor for its wholly-owned shell corporation subsidiary, Perfect Point Ventures Ltd, registered in the Virgin Islands, to issue a US$300 million bond in Hong Kong due in 2025, with an annual interest rate of 5.2%, all paid to institutional investors. According to the data, the company has neither a regular office nor any business activities.
Zhang Songqiao has amassed a lot of wealth from investors by similar means. More information is needed to finally expose the transactions behind them and their institutional investors, as well as the ultimate whereabouts of pooling money.

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