Beijing Police Know of U.S. Court Decision Before Orders Released to Public

As reported, Miles Guo’s current Chapter 11 bankruptcy case is associated with his 5-year lawsuit against Pacific Alliance Asia Opportunity Fund L.P. (“PAX”), that was filed on Apr 18, 2017, over a dispute of 30 million RMB security; on Jan 14th, 2022, the court suddenly ordered a fine to Miles of $134 million, accusing Miles of Contempt of the Court for taking the Yacht Lady May out of its jurisdiction of New York County.

In a recent court motion, Luc A. Despins, the appointed trustee of Miles’ Chapter 11 case, stated that Miles has a record of owning shell companies, citing the previous case between Eastern Profit Corporation Limited (“Eastern”) vs Strategic Vision US LLC (“Strategic”).

Strategic and Eastern had a three-year contract under which Eastern is required to pay Strategic $9 million for its information analysis and collection services. But after Strategic failed to provide the promised information report, Eastern decided to sue Strategic over contract breach. Even though it is irrelevant to Strategic’s contract breach, though the defendants stated in Eastern vs Strategic’s final judgment of the Court that Eastern was a “shell company” owned by Miles; consequently, in the current Chapter 11 case, Despins cited the aforementioned claims to prove to the Court of Miles’ ownership of an 18th-floor apartment at Sherry Netherland in the current Chapter 11 case.As was revealed, after three years of court proceedings, the Eastern vs Strategic case finally exposed the behind-the-scene participants, including Elliott Broidy, Stephen Wynn, George Higginbotham, and Bruno Wu, a top agent of the Chinese Communist Party, who has registered with FARA since 2018; the disclosed information has explained why Miles is told by a Beijing police that they have known the Court’s decision five weeks before the court ordered on the case of PAX vs Miles Guo and that the U.S. Courts were going to order in favor of PAX completely; the CCP’s leaders believed that Miles would lose the lawsuit and everything he owns, and end up “sleeping on the street”, as was reported.

Miles once commented that the 72 cases he faces cumulatively, including his case against PAX and Eastern’s case against Strategic, are really just one: himself versus CCP, the outcome was caused by the CCP’s infiltration to the U.S. judicial system.

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