Twitter’s former CEO, Jack Dorsey stated his apparent support for ending the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) after Beijing implemented harsh CCP virus policies.
Dorsey retweeted “End the CCP” to an earlier post that reported CCP’s strict measures, including constant testing and using a mandatory health app that can track people’s movements. The health app decides where a person can commute depending on three infection levels that display green, yellow, and red colors. The green light indicates Covid free passage, wherein yellow means danger or infection, and the red light, isolation. It is worrying that millions of people are monitored under this app.
From June 1st, Shanghai and some other cities were under stringent lockdown for two months, and it was tough for the residents to get their daily essentials such as food or emergency healthcare.
Two years into the CCP virus pandemic, Communist China is alone among significant countries enforcing an uncompromising “Zero Covid” policy that aims to eradicate all outbreaks as soon as it occurs. And this policy is becoming an inescapable part of the Chinese’s daily life.

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