US Health Care Workers Win $10 Million Settlement Over Mandatory CCP Virus Vaccine Policy

The class action lawsuit of health care workers at NorthShore University HealthSystem in Evanston suing the system’s CCP virus (Covid) vaccine mandate settled in court on July 29, with Northshore paying $10.3 million in damages.

It is reported that around 523 Northshore members refused to be vaccinated against the CCP virus between July 1, 2021, and January 1, 2022, on the basis of religious exemptions but were denied. Liberty, a conservative Christian law firm, represented the 523 victims in a lawsuit against Northshore Healthcare. The attorneys argue that the employees are victims of religious discrimination and that some vaccine studies have confirmed that the CCP virus vaccine is associated with aborted fetal cells, which their religious beliefs consider unacceptable.

Northshore still has to pay a settlement amount of $10,337,500 and change its CCP vaccine policy to provide religious accommodation for each position, despite not admitting wrongdoing in the settlement agreement. Employees previously terminated or resigned for refusing the CCP virus vaccine will be eligible for re-employment upon application and receive $25,000 each. Employees forced to accept the CCP virus vaccine to keep their jobs will receive $3,000. The initial 13 health care workers who were the lead plaintiffs and played a significant role in the lawsuit will each receive an additional $20,000 US dollars. The law firm gets 20 percent of the settlement amount.

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