Taiwan Fired Flares To Warn Chinese Drone Near Dongyin Island

Taiwan Defense Ministry stated on July 28th that its military has fired flares to warn a Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) drone that attempted to approach a Taiwan strategically located and heavily guarded island.

In the past 2 years, Taiwan has been fighting against the CCP’s intensive military manoeuvres. CCP kept forcing Taipei’s democratically elected government to accept CCP as their government.

Taiwan Defense Ministry revealed, the drone “glanced by” over the Dongyin Island Airspace two times, with a probably intention to probe the defense facility on the island. As a part of the Matsu archipelago, Dongyin Island has been administrated by Taiwan since the end of the Chinese Civil war in 1949. Taiwanese command center warned the drone by shooting signal flares. A senior official very familiar with the security planning in the area disclosed that this drone was owned by CCP and likely to be one of Chinese new model drones CSC-005.

A small Chinese civilian flight also tried to approach the island this February. Taiwan side believes that the CCP is possibly endeavouring a new strategy to assess reactions from Taiwan.Taiwan did not disclose any military details. However, Dongyin Command Center has been treated as the front defense line for Taiwan since 1950. It is the most northern point and sitting at the top end of the Taiwan Strait. The CCP also flags it as a must-pass-by choke point for the attack to Taiwan.

Military experts believe that the Dongyin army are armed with Hsiung Feng II anti-ship and Sky Bow II surface-to-air missiles. Both are Taiwan self-made.

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