New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Steve Bannon Interviews Archbishop Viganò on War Room

On June 30, 2022, the War Room exclusively released the correspondence transcripts of an interview between Steve Bannon and Archbishop Carlos Maria Viganò.

The War Room calls Abp. Viganò a hero, who is known to have vocally exposed the scandals involving the Catholic Church leadership including Pope Francis and Cardinal Theodore McCarrick years ago. For the recent two years, Abp. Viganò has vocalized his opposition to the dictatorship and the global responsive measures adopted by the “globalist organizations” in handling the CCP virus pandemic. 

Earlier in May, Abp. Viganò has warned about the evil intention of the WHO’s then-to-be-voted-on treaty regarding the resolutions of the management of pandemics. He pointed out that if the “treaty” was passed, the resolutions will transfer sovereignty regarding the health of citizens to a supranational body that is largely financed by the pharmaceutical industry and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; global health governance is one of the fundamental elements of the New World Order and as such it must be rejected and opposed. Eventually, the WHO abandoned its “treaty”, the plan to assume sovereignty over nations.

During the interview, Mr. Bannon stated that based on what has happened over the past two years, since the beginning of the CCP virus pandemic in early 2020, the established facts and the collective official data point to the conclusion that the pandemic has been planned and managed with the purpose of creating the greatest damage possible.

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