On April 24th at Medyka rescue frontline, Poland, SSF-Rescuers from California were attracted by the anti-Chinese Communist Party (CCP) vests on the New Federal State of China (NFSC) volunteers and took photos with them.
The SSF-Rescuer, Eleanor Serbinski, took part in an Interview with our front-line reporter Nicole. She said that it felt great to see that the Chinese volunteers from the NFSC are the biggest group here, providing help to people regardless of their race or religion. In a world where people are afraid to speak the truth, she was surprised to see these anti-CCP slogans and admire the braveness of the new Chinese who are dedicated and determined to take down the CCP.
After hearing Nicole’s story about the disruption of the 419 VOA interview with Miles Guo, Eleanor said that VOA is a beacon of freedom and democracy in the United States, but now it is manipulated by a communist country. Meaning that freedom has been strangled. Her 16-year-old son Vista said that the world needs more people like the new Chinese of the NFSC to make miracles and change history, and what they are doing will benefit everyone in the world. At the end, the mother and son would like NFSC hats that they can wear proudly to show their support of taking down the CCP.

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