In the Grand Live broadcast on January 15th, Miles Guo shared that China will become a federal state after the Chinese Communist Party is taken down, with Taiwan, Hong Kong, Guangdong, Tibet and Xinjiang being independent. He also talked about the blueprint of the new China. First of all, freehold properties will be available for Chinese people.
Next, given the illegitimacy of the banks under the CCP’s regime, all the credit card debts will be forgiven. As well, the new China will have a one-person-one-vote electoral system that is based on AI and blockchain tech-nology to avoid fake or illegal operations.
Finally, China’s land, mountains, and rivers will be re-cuperated, and the Chinese people will be able to find out the real foundation of faith which is the family. After the CCP has been taken down, China and the rest of the world will all reap the rewards from the removal of a tyrannical dictatorship that only benefitted the rich and powerful whilst everyone else suffered.

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