New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

The NFSC Firmly Believes In The Strength And Fairness Of The U.S. Judicial System

The spontaneous peaceful protests of the people of New Federal State of China (NFSC), protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, have continued for 21 days.The peaceful protests have attracted the attention of a large number of pedestrians, stopping to inquire about the purpose of the demonstration. When they learned that the U.S. law firms such as Paul Hastings and O’Melveny were cooperating with the CCP to destroy the U.S. economy and loot the pensions of the American people, they all showed great outrage and expressed their support for the demonstration, and many of them actively participated in the protest.For decades, the CCP has expanded its tentacles all over the world through its BGY (Internet, Bribery, & Sex ) tactics, especially in the U.S.. They have used tactics such as IP theft, media and wall street manipulations, to the pandemic caused by its lab manufactured bioweapon AKA COVID-19, causing the world to be chaotic. However, the CCP’s madness will not stop. Through its secret overseas police stations and collusion with dark forces in the U.S. judiciary system, Beijing is targeting the NFSC who is dedicated to taking down the CCP regime.

The US is a free, democratic society with the rule of law. Even though there is a small group of dark forces in the judiciary with bad intentions, they dare not openly violate the constitution, and the US constitution guarantees the legal right to peaceful protest. On the contrary, in Communist China under the dictatorship, when people raise a piece of white paper and a bouquet of flowers to protest and march in the streets, they are considered illegal and are brutally suppressed and arrested simply for their dissatisfaction with the Xi Jinping’s harsh Zero-Covid lockdowns, and their fight for the most basic human right to survive.

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