On October 31st, Miles Guo posted a GETTR video stating that when the CCP virus vaccine disaster arrives, fellow fighters must adjust their emotions, be prepared, and use wisdom to protect the safety of themselves, and their families. A great era has come, and the Chinese Communist Party will pay the price of their evil deeds. At present, the Foxconn incident is taking place in the CCP. The extreme Zero-Covid policies and mass lockdown have made the livelihood of many comrades residing in the CCP miserable. Some fellow fighters in Guangxi have expressed the will to prepare for action. Miles warned them to not act, to not sacrifice themselves before the revolution succeeded. If you are forced into a desperate situation, that is another disaster. There are legal ways to protect yourself wisely, but only if you stay safe and don’t let your or your family get hurt. When one isbeing trapped in so-called locked-down places, you need to use all available resources to save yourself and others. Fellow fighters in Hunan now have a better chance to save their families, but they must keep in touch with our fellow fighters in a safe and smart way. This is the key. Don’t leave any evidence in cell phones, computers, or any kinds of electronic equipment so the CCP can’t find, and use the evidence. Please leave room for those good people and good police.
Regarding Hong Kong, Miles said that the New Federal State of China will stand together with Hong Kong compatriots forever in all aspects, including information, intelligence, connections, fundings, etc.. As long as we can, we will go all out and never waive our support. Hong Kong compatriots should be mentally prepared for the worst, and use practical tactics to deal with the CCP. They must ensure their own safety first, the CCP is much eviler than they could imagined.

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