Residents Cannot Flee in Earthquake due to Lockdown in China

According to a media report, a 6.6-magnitude earthquake occurred near Luding County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province (29.61 degrees north latitude, 102.14 degrees east longitude) at 12:52 p.m. on September 5th, and a strong tremor was felt in Chengdu.

At the time of the earthquake, many parts of Sichuan, including the entire city of Chengdu, were under pandemic lockdown. However, the local Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authority forced residents to stay at home rather than evacuate them. Meanwhile, while they were trying to flee out of their building to the open areas, the Covid-control officials blocked them and even beat some of them.

The online video shows people asking the pandemic prevention officers to let them go out, but the officials responded: “Has the house fallen down yet?” There is also a video showing that when residents escaped to the porch on the first floor, they were stopped by the White Guards. Even worse, the door was locked and stranded people in the building. Some people kicked the iron gate to vent their anger, and fortunately they finally went out with the help from the outsiders who helped to break the door. However, there were still multiple buildings sealed off and no one could get out.

From all these things, we could see the communist regime has never treated ordinary people as human beings. As soon as the tremor disappeared, CCP officials shouted with loudspeakers right away that every resident is urged to go back home immediately after the earthquake.

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