On August 12, Miles streamed live on GETTR and shared insights into the actions of the CCP – towards the international community, attempts to use aggressive warrior-style diplomacy, and collusion to gain control and expansion. Simultaneously, the CCP relies on the usual repressive approach to persecute any anti-CCP sentiment. Under the excuse of the fighting pandemic, it tries to cleanse opponent factions within the Party. The true intent of Xi’s so-called zero-Covid policy is to purge his opponents within the Party, but as the history book has written before, the highest price will have to be paid by the ordinary Chinese people again.
Miles elaborated on what the CCP has done. First, CCP dispatched its aggressive diplomats worldwide to conduct foreign policies ridiculously. Meanwhile, it tried to bring down the world economy; it also used all sorts of tactics to collude with foreign governments to get the offspring of the CCP’s senior cadres back to China. Xi also discovered that many adversaries within the Party had been influenced by Zeng Qinghong, Meng Jianzhu, and Wang Qishan. Second, under the guise of fighting the COVID pandemic, CCP took advantage of the so-called zero-Covid policy to test out the loyalty of the Party officials at all levels. Xi sought to purge the Party of all the political forces posing a threat to him from the era of the Culture Revolution.
Miles said that the CCP is beginning to melt down Hong Kong’s economy. Xi, the Party’s number one, is stirring up heated infighting within the Party, imposing the zero-Covid policy in Communist China while increasing the buildup of tensions in the Taiwan Strait. On top of it all, the CCP has stepped up efforts to incite national sentiment among the brainwashed Chinese. Unfortunately, the ordinary Chinese may end up paying a high price for the crimes perpetrated by the few top CCP kleptocrats.

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