September 29th marks the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between Japan and Communist China. Japan’s “Sankei Shimbun” published an editorial on August 9th calling on Japan to cancel relevant commemorative activities and “must not look forward to this day with a congratulatory attitude”, so as not to deliver the wrong message to China.
It was reported that China launched a large-scale military exercise around Taiwan in response to US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to the island country, causing tensions in East Asia to escalate.
The editorial pointed out that China conducted live-fire training in 6 sea and air areas around Taiwan, and the ballistic missiles even fell into Japan’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Such kind of behavior should be regarded as an extremely hostile military action against Japan and the US military stationed in the country. There is absolutely no friendly atmosphere between Japan and China.
To welcome the 50th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations between the two countries, relevant activities have been held in various places, a joint statement is scheduled to be issued on September 29th, and a commemorative ceremony will be held in Tokyo.
According to the editorial, the ceremony was supported by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but the top advisers of the organizing committee were former Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda of the pro-China (Chinese Communist Party) Liberal Democratic Party, and Toshihiro Nikai, former Secretary-General of the Liberal Democratic Party. Therefore, the editorial says Japan should suspend this event.

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