In Communist China, funeral industry belongs to Wang Qishan’s family, and the death caused by the CCP virus vaccine has made the funeral industry prosperous.
Miles pointed out that the official data provided by the Communist regime on vaccine deaths are all false. In fact, death number comparing from January to April between 2022 and 2021, this year’s number is 5-6 times of the previous year, 11 times comparing to that of 2020 and 2019.
The number of deaths until April 6th, 2022 is tantamount to half the number of deaths in 2021. The total number of deaths to date is 20 times that of 2019. The total population of in Communist China is currently less than 1 billion. People over 60 years old numbered at around 300 million, around 200 million are born between 1960s and 1980s, 200 million born from 1990s – 2010s, and the remaining are children. Currently the Communist dictatorship intends to force vaccination on the elderly population over 60 years old, which might be the major casualties rounding up the death number to 200 million to 400 million. From now on, the number of deaths per month will exceed the number of deaths in the past year or so. It took more than 10 months to queue for corpse cremation, and the Communist regime introduced promession (freeze drying) to handle large amount of deaths.

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