Speaker Pelosi’s Visit to Taiwan Would be Tantamount to Declaring Taiwan’s Independence

On July 24th, in a grand live broadcast, Miles Guo talked about the U.S. Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s possible visit to Taiwan. A general from North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) pointed out that once Pelosi, U.S. Speaker of the House, succeeded in reaching the territory of Taiwan, it would be tantamount to declaring that Taiwan is an independent country to the world. So, it would be significant.

Miles noted that Speaker of the House Pelosi is the most powerful leader in the United States today. Her successful visit to Taiwan would bring far more benefits to the U.S. than Taiwan Strait War itself, and at the same time, pave the way for all future visits to Taiwan by American politicians.

In terms of military, the U.S.-Japan-Taiwan linkage would have no boundaries from that moment. Japanese troops or military personnel stationed in Taiwan would be normalized, which would be the same as sending troops to Taiwan or even setting up a defense for Taiwan. After the Japanese constitutional amendment, it will link up with Japan and the United States whenever there is a war in Taiwan. Then, in this case, the possibility of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) attacking Taiwan would be out of the question.

If it were a joint defense of Taiwan by the U.S., Europe, and Japan, the strike targets would no longer be around Japan, Taiwan’s East China Sea, and the range of Japan’s northern islands, but 1,000 km west of Fujian, i.e. 1,000 km inland of China, including Guangxi, Shanghai, Weihai and Qingdao in Shandong, area from Fujian to Japan, and 1,000 km westward of Taiwan.

Within such a strike range, the CCP would be completely destroyed, and the casualties to the Chinese would be minimized. Conversely, if the CCP struggled half-dead for a few years, then the casualties to the Chinese would be enormous. Regarding the CCP’s reaction to Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan, the CCP will blockade Taiwan and set up a no-fly zone whenever Pelosi’s plane takes off. Finally, Miles believes that Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan has no more than a 50 percent chance of success, and that war is unlikely when President Biden, Pelosi, and the CCP reach another deal.

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Translator: Formosa Taiwan English Team – Kelvin Liao
Design&editor: HBamboo(昆仑竹)

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