Revealed by Mr. Miles Guo: 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre is the Tragic Outcome of the Internal Power Struggle within Chinese Communist Party

On July 3, Miles Guo said in his Grand Live Broadcast that the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre , also called June Fourth incident, was a tragic outcome of the internal power struggle within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

 Mr. Guo revealed that the June Fourth incident actually began in December 1988. At that time, Beijing Normal University demanded that China should have freedom of press. In early 1989, the call for democracy in China began. However, at the same time, the power struggle between Hu Yaobang and Zhao Ziyang also began. They were fighting for Deng Xiaoping’s throne – the real control of the regime.

 According to Mr. Guo, Zhao Ziyang was privately calling Deng Xiaoping the one that has the final say within the Party. That really offended Deng. Hu Yaobang, on the other hand, said that comrade Deng Xiaoping could retire completely and “let us take over”. That resulted Hu being replaced by Deng and he eventually died in a fit of anger.

 Since then, the June Fourth incident has gone directly from the pursuit of freedom of speech and democracy to a memorial service for Hu Yaobang, who was the reform icon and symbol of hope for China’s youth. During the memorial service, Zhao Ziyang saw an opportunity to challenge Deng Xiaoping. Zhao believed Hu Yaobang wanted to take over Deng’s position as the general secretary and Deng took his life. Now that Hu was dead, he is the nature replacement. Zhao said publicly that comrade Deng Xiaoping holds absolute power of the Chinese Communist Party. As a public challenge to Deng’s power, Zhao appeared in Tiananmen Square and stood with the students. 

 Guo said that from March to May of 1989 were the significant three months that led to the tragic June Fourth incident. On June 3, 1989, Li Peng made his public appearance and clearly characterized the June Fourth incident as “counter revolutionary unrest”. In fact, the CCP had already characterized the incident around May 23-24. On the eve of June 3, after Li Peng’s public appearance, all lights went off, tanks moved in and troops opened fire, killing and injuring many unarmed students in Tiananmen Square.

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