During the grand live broadcast as early as May 18th, Miles Guo said the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was trying to undercut the free port status of Hong Kong and transfer 70% of the foreign trade and benefits from the terminal operations to Shanghai. CCP’s political infiltration gradually eroded the legal security in Hong Kong and posed a serious threat to its role as an international financial center. In light of the impending crash of the real estate and service industry, a pillar of the local economy, Hong Kong has lost its core competence and international credibility under CCP’s rule.
During the grand live broadcast on June 28th, Miles Guo said in order to conceal the ill-gotten assets and cover up the truth about the plunder, CCP will deliberately decouple HKD from USD through a series of fraudulent financial measures, facilitate the direct exchange between HKD and RMB or even make HKD disappear, take over the real estate market and financial assets, and embezzle the wealth of Hong Kongers in disguise.
Meanwhile, although CCP has mounted a lobbying campaign worldwide in an attempt to internationalize the RMB, the swamp that controlled the global financial orders, clearly understood the CCP’s demise was just a matter of time and no longer believed in their promises.

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