Members of the NFSC Show Their Support to Miles Guo in Central Park

On March 18, more than 100 fellow fighters of the New Federal State of China (NFSC) gathered in Central Park, New York to show their support to Miles Guo, the founder of the NFSC and Whistleblower Movement, and condemned the collusion acts between the DOJ, FBI, and the CCP in their joint attack on Miles.

The secretary-general of Global Himalaya Alliance, Changdao Brother (a fellow fighter), said at the scene, “We are standing here today, without fear, although we are being attacked by the dark forces in the U.S. and by the CCP, we will keep fighting. At this moment, each of us is Miles Guo.” Fay Fay, a member of NFSC, also spoke at the protest that residents who live at the Sherry Netherland Hotel are wealthy and respectable people.

Miles Guo, who lives in the same building, was forcibly taken away by the FBI at around 6 am on March 15. It’s hard to believe that this happened in the United States of America, known as the beacon of the world, a free and democratic nation. As Miles Guo said at the National Press Club in 2017 that the darkness is coming. His warning was ignored, but here it has proved once again with his encounters that the darkness has already engulfed America.

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