On August 30, it is reported that the Icelandic Health Insurance fund has currently received 46 claims for injuries after Covid, or the CCP virus vaccination. Three cases have been approved and three have been declined so far. Most of the claims are still being processed.
Around 311,000 people in Iceland have received at least one dose of the vaccine. 311 cases of adverse effects have been reported to the Medicines Agency up to date, and about 15% of them reported serious adverse effects and claimed compensation. This means 1 in 6,760 people filed a claim.
In 2019, the Medicines Agency received a total of 9 adverse effects after influenza vaccination, and none of them were serious. Approximately 70,000 people were vaccinated against influenza that year, which means 1 in 7,800 reported a mild adverse effect and no one reported serious adverse effects.
Among the 46 Icelanders who filed claims, 36 filed in May this year, and the other 10 filed after May. Considering the low vaccination rates during summer, the 10 additional cases indicated a delay. This means the number will likely increase in the coming months even years.
Based on the report, the rate of one claim in every 6,760 people is very concerning. Compared with an expected rate of 1 or 2 cases of serious adverse effects in a million people after influenza vaccination, this comes to be a 75 to 150-fold increase.
The Whistleblower Movement revealed that this is only the beginning of the CCP-virus vaccine disasters. Analysts think we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. The number of cases around the globe will keep rising, and more people will ask for compensation.

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