China’s South-western Giant City Chengdu Lockdown Again

According to reports, the pandemic in communist China has become rampant again. Chengdu was suddenly locked-down following combined with high temperatures and power outage since this summer.

According to the announcement issued by Chengdu local authority, from September 1st, people in the city will stay at home and not leave the city unless necessary. More than 20 million residents are under the lockdown, and with no end date specified.

As the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is about to take place, some big cities have introduced strict measures for the prevention and control of COVID-19. Besides Chengdu, Shenzhen has also closed entertainment businesses and restricted the opening hours of restaurants. The start of the new school year has also been delayed.

Chengdu is an important commercial and manufacturing city in Southwest China. Such lockdown measures have affected the operation of enterprises and the supply chain, and will have a significant impact on economic recovery.

Moreover, this kind of lockdown, not based on any scientific evidence, has a great impact on the daily life of the ordinary people. Due to previous example of Shanghai lockdown for several months, Chengdu residents went into panic shopping, purchasing everything they could.

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