2022 will be a tough year for Laos, with dwindling cash reserves, surging inflation, soaring oil prices, and a devaluing currency, the socialist country is repeating similar experiences in Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Zambia, where Communist China’s debt trap paralyzed their economies. The public is increasingly frustrated and angry with the situation.
Inflation in May in Laos hit an 18-year high of 12.8%, one of the highest in Asia. This time last year, about 9,400 kip could be exchanged for a dollar. Today, it trades at nearly 15,000 kip, with a currency devaluation of more than 40 percent. The US keeps raising interest rates as the depreciation of the kip will be more severe. Meanwhile, gasoline shortages in most parts of Laos have been going on for months, and long queues at oil stations are common.
Sri Lanka seems to be the first country to fall into the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s debt trap and face a looming threat of economic collapse, followed by Pakistan, Zambia, and now Laos catching up. The CCP’s “Belt and Road” debt conspiracy is bankrupt, and the only fruit is the ruin of the common people’ life! Taking down the CCP is the only way to eliminate the specter of communism!

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