U.S. Should Investigate Dr. Fauci and His Ties with the Director of Wuhan Institute of Virology

Recently, the House select subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic held its first hearing on the origin of the CCP virus, in which witnesses agreed that the lab-leak theory of the CCP virus was not a conspiracy theory. In an interview with REAL AMERICAN’S VOICE on March 9, NFSC member Prince Li stated that the NFSC is confident that the virus that causes COVID-19 came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. And it was deliberately released, not accidentally leaked from the lab. It is known that Wuhan Institute of Virology received funding from the. U.S. to conduct the gain-of-function research that gave rise to the CCP virus. Prince Li further suggests that if U.S. wants to understand all issues related to the origin of CCP Virus, the U.S. government and Congress should investigate Dr. Fauci and his relationship and financial tie with Yanyi Wang, the director of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Lastly, Prince Li warned that although CCP Virus has already caused devastation around the world, CCP will not stop there. They will unleash more unrestricted warfare against the United States under CCP’s long-standing “13759 Plan”.

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