Republican Lawmakers Demand All Intelligence On Covid

After U.S. Energy Department determined that the Covid-19, or the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) virus likely leaked from a CCP’s laboratory, Republican lawmakers are calling for the Biden administration to declassify everything the intelligence community knows about the COVID-19 pandemic, reported multiple media outlets. Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Cotton responded to the revelations in a tweet. He wrote, “Re. China’s lab leak, being proven right doesn’t matter. What matters is holding the Chinese Communist Party accountable so this doesn’t happen again.” Senator Josh Hawley vowed to take legislative action to make sure that the White House discloses pandemic information to the American public. Republican Congressman Andrew Clyde from Georgia tweeted “Big Tech censored the truth. Legacy media denied the truth. Government officials hid the truth. Americans deserve accountability.” Republican Representative Jeff Van Drew from New Jersey called for a congressional investigation into the origin of the pandemic, and which members of the Biden administration, including former White House Chief Medical Adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci, knew about the origin. Democratic Rep. Seth Moulton from Massachusetts said in an interview, “The Chinese have mishandled COVID at every step of the way, are trying to sweep it under the rug, trying to try a strategy of ‘zero-COVID’ that utterly failed.” He added “And tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of Chinese are dead as a result of the mismanagement of this pandemic by the Chinese Communist Party.”

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