Massive Layoffs By Leading Tech Giants Amid Worsening Global Economy

On February 3rd, Miles Guo in his Gettr post talked about the latest development of the brewing global economic crisis. Since the WHO forecasted that the pandemic is coming to an end, Japan and the United States, two of the top three economies in the world, have announced one after another that they expect to announce the end of the pandemic in May. What follows is the inflation caused by the trillions of dollars of issued bills during the 3-year pandemic. Also the loss of labor and unemployment due to the adverses of the toxic vaccines and the tightening of the consumer market. Add to this the sabotaging of global financial markets by the CCP in an attempt to increase leverage to avoid accountability for the virus and vaccine. As a result, the tech giants leading by Google and Intel have all been laying off employees on a large scale to cope with the increasingly worsen global economic environment. Samsung on the other hand has lost more than 90% of its semiconductor revenue which left it no choice but to cut the cost by laying off. According to Miles, some employees have been told that it’s either been laid off or facing the bankruptcy of the company in which case they will get nothing.

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