New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Governments Still Far from Telling Truth about CCP-Virus Vaccine

In the May 28 Grand Livestream, Miles Guo spoke about CCP’s “Zero-CCP-Virus” policy, which is a Zero-COVID policy, and the ongoing issues derived from the vaccination mandate in the United States. Miles pointed out, that behind the façade of implementing the Zero-COIVD policy, the CCP’s true aim is to deflect international virus origin investigations. In a desperate attempt to achieve its top priorities, including preparing for a kinetic war to take over Taiwan, stabilizing internal politics, preparing for the 20th National Congress, and maximizing the interests of the ruling families.

Miles said that a lot of people inside Communist China have got to know the truth about the dire consequences caused by the vaccine including deaths, as they listen to the media reports from the Whistleblower Movement. But a lot of them are afraid to face the reality, simply because they lack courage, honesty, and kindness; they are too selfish.

Speaking of vaccine mandates in the U.S. Miles said it is driven politically rather than scientifically, but the midterm elections will be a watershed. Most likely the mandate will end by the end of the year in December. Meanwhile, many medical professionals in the U.S. have lost their principle of honesty and only serve commercial interests, because they are controlled by medical research organizations, Big Pharma, and the CDC.

Miles called on his fellow fighters to face the reality that the West is still far away from exposing the truth about the vaccine crisis, because the world lacks faith, and is full of greed and lies since everything is money-driven.

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Translator : Vancouver Sailing Farm – Henry W.
Design&editor: Hbamboo