U.S. Cuts Tariffs On Communist China To Beat Inflation

On May 2, local time, U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai said that in response to the current high inflation in the United States, it will use all available measures, including reducing tariffs on Communist China imports.

With U.S. inflation already at its highest level in 40 years, Tai said any policy shifts should serve the midterm elections, including goals for a more resilient and durable global economy that serves workers and consumers. Monetary and tax policy can play some role in addressing food and energy prices.

Miles Guo mentioned in the previous live broadcast that the United States may implement a series of policies on China in order to successfully conduct the mid-term elections in 2022, in an attempt to use the economy to pave the way for politics, including lowering Communist China’s tariffs on goods. However, the consequence of doing so is to make life more difficult for ordinary people in Communist China.

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