New Federal State Of China | Whistleblower Movement

Tag: CCP’s Cover up

Academia‘s Misinformation

Wikispooks Vanishes from the Net – Have the Spreaders of Disinformation Had Anything to Do with It?

Wikispooks is a small online encyclopaedia for the study of deep politics. It includes many topics not covered completely or accurately in Wikipedia, for example, sexual blackmail, the Epstein network, intelligence services infiltrating media, genocidal billionaires, the World Economic Forum Young Global Leaders, the Bilderberg network, war propaganda and more.

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3/11/2022 Miles Guo: 100,000 yuan a month- CCP hiring men to dig up and transport bodies for Russian-Ukraine WAR; using GPS not Beidou

The CCP is hiring people to dig up and transport bodies on the battlefield of the Russia-Ukraine war by paying them as much as 100,000 yuan a month. However, the CCP is not going to let them use the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System that it has been touting, but to use the Americans’ GPS. The CCP is going to make the Chinese people cannon fodder on the battlefield, isn’t it?

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3/13/2022 Miles Guo: CCP and Putin are playing the strategy of “Besiege Wei to Rescue Zhao”

In an attempt to be able to challenge or even defeat the US and Europe, the CCP and Putin are playing the strategy of “Besiege Wei to Rescue Zhao”, which is to distract the power from the rest of the world threatening them by causing greater problems in elsewhere: start with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, then fan the flames of war in the Middle East to destroy the petroleum economics and the US dollar so as to stop the economic and financial sanctions imposed by the US and Europe, then the CCP can take chance to attack Taiwan, and (new) viruses might be released.

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3/13/2022 Miles Guo: The implications of the Western sanctions imposed on the Russian oligarchs

What are the implications of the Western sanctions imposed on the Russian oligarchs? Regardless of which passport you hold, once the CCP is sanctioned by the West, no one in China will be able to evade it. Only those citizens of the New Federal State of China who are determined to take down the CCP can save their lives and wealth. Being truthful and united is what makes us different from the CCP.

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