Daily Expose

Gov confirms horrific figures on COVID Vaccine Deaths: 1 in 482 died within a month, 1 in 246 died within 60 days, & 1 in 73 died by May 2022

Gov confirms horrific figures on COVID Vaccine Deaths: 1 in 482 died within a month, 1 in 246 died within 60 days, & 1 in 73 died by May 2022

The UK Gov has published official figures on deaths following Covid-19 vaxx and they reveal that 1 in every 482 Covid-19 vaxxed people in England sadly died within one month of Covid-19 vaxx, 1 in every 246 Covid-19 vaxxed in England sadly died within 60 days of Covid-19 vaccination, and 1 in every 73 Covid-19 vaxxed were dead by May 2022.

How you were tricked into taking part in a Deadly Experiment that killed Millions through Midazolam Poisoning & COVID Vaccination

How you were tricked into taking part in a Deadly Experiment that killed Millions through Midazolam Poisoning & COVID Vaccination

Fear of COVID 19 was used to pass laws of restricting civil liberties. Midazolam used to kill end-of-life patients. Experimental gene therapy injections disguised as C19 Vaccine were rolled out. The fully vaccinated accounted for over 9 in every 10 deaths associated with the virus, while mortality rate of unvaxxed being 1 per 100k. 20 million excess deaths in western countries after vaccine rollout.

Remdesivir estimated to have killed 100,000 Americans

Remdesivir estimated to have killed 100,000 Americans

John Beaudoin is calling for a criminal investigation into remdesivir citing data that it may have killed 100,000 people in America. FDA authorised the experimental antiviral drug remdesivir, brand name Veklury, for emergency use against covid-19 in May 2020. By October 2020, it had received full approval, despite lacking effectiveness and causing high rates of organ failure.