U.S. Senator Introduce Bill To Restrict Entry Of CCP Spies

According to foreign media reports, on February 9, Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz introduced the “Protecting America From Spies Act” that would update the “Immigration and Naturalization Act” to ensure past, present, and future espionage and tech-transfer activity is considered inadmissible for entry into the United States. Under the current U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Act, CCP spies expelled from the U.S. can immediately reapply for visas. As a result, on July 28, 2020, Senator Ted Cruz first sponsored the “H.R.7326 – Protecting America from Spies Act”. On May 20 of the following year, he again introduced the “H.R.3343 – Protecting America From Spies Act”. The “Protecting America From Spies Act” provides for amending Section 212 of the “Immigration and Naturalization Act” to expand inadmissibility restrictions on security and related grounds, which makes the CCP spies and their spouses and children engaged in espionage or tech-transfer inadmissible if the activity making them inadmissible occurred within the past five years. Senator Ted Cruz said: “For too long China and our competitors have been using non-traditional forms of espionage against our country without any consequences. The State Department’s recent closure of the Chinese consulate in Houston due to the Communist Chinese Party actively engaging in espionage and intellectual property theft was an important step, but more needs to be done. That’s why today my colleagues and I are introducing legislation to strengthen our laws and protect our national security by ensuring that any individuals who attempt to spy or steal from the United States and their family members are denied access to our country.”

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