Against South Korea’s Participation in NATO Summit, Communist China Warned NATO Not to Disrupt Asia-Pacific Peace

According to a news report on June 24th, the United States (US) and Communist China clashed over South Korea, Japan, and other Asia-Pacific countries participating in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit. When Communist China opposed the participation of these countries in the NATO summit, the US countered head-on that China had no veto power.

The US-led NATO summit will be held in Madrid, Spain, from June 29th to 30th. NATO non-member South Korea, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand will participate in the meeting as partner nations.

The Communist Chinese government firmly opposed the participation of countries in the Asia-Pacific region in the NATO summit. Communist Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a Regular Press Conference on June 23rd, “The Asia-Pacific is beyond the geographical scope of the North Atlantic. Countries and people in the Asia-Pacific are strongly opposed to anything said or done to extend military bloc to this region or stir up division and confrontation.”

In recent years, Communist China has been highly vigilant about the US-led NATO seeking cooperation with countries in the Asia-Pacific region. Communist China’s state media also criticized South Korea’s official membership of the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE) last month, saying it was an act of inciting regional conflicts.

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