Miles Guo broke the news to the fellow fighters in the 2nd Anniversary of the New Federal State of China (NFSC) on June 4 that CCP kleptocrats are trying to separate overseas money from domestic financial institutions and work with rogue banks overseas to create the so-called ” BRICS financial system” to help them transfer their wealth, plan and protect the properties and identities of their children and grandchildren overseas, in a last ditch effort before the CCP’s demise.
However, the US and Western financial institutions are developing various policies to seize the vast wealth of the CCP kleptocrats stashed abroad. Meanwhile, some US lawmakers are proposing to liquidate US funds that funded the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) during World War II. Miles also highlighted during the Live Broadcast on June 8 that various US legislation against Communist China is underway and that Wall Street capital will also be withdrawn from the Chinese market. After the election of the House, both Republican Party and Democratic Party will join forces to take down the CCP, to confiscate the assets of the CCP kleptocrats’ family members in the West.

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