Month: November 2021

CCP’s invasion of Taiwan and Russia’s military operations against Ukraine will happen at the same time

CCP’s invasion of Taiwan and Russia’s military operations against Ukraine will happen at the same time

Everything the CCP does is to invade Taiwan; the CCP’s invasion of Taiwan and Russia’s military operations against Ukraine will happen at the same time; the CCP will crash the economy and create unrests in the US and EU to cover up its attack on Taiwan, and then it will keep releasing viruses. However, the antidotes will still be effective!

CDC Funded Study Shows No Significant Difference in COVID-19 Transmission Between Vaccinated and Unvaccinated

CDC Funded Study Shows No Significant Difference in COVID-19 Transmission Between Vaccinated and Unvaccinated

CDC COVID response team published a study on medRxiv – a collaborative project jointly run by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Yale University, and BMJ, a global healthcare knowledge provider – concluded that there is no significant difference in transmission potential of vaccinated and unvaccinated persons infected with the COVID-19 “Delta variant” in federal prison during an outbreak between July to August 2021.

All EU states BAN travel from southern Africa

All EU states BAN travel from southern Africa

All European Union states have banned travel from southern Africa amid panic over a case of the Covid super-variant Omicron in Belgium.

A committee of health experts from all 27 EU states ‘agreed on the need to activate the emergency break and impose temporary restriction on all travel into EU from southern Africa’, the Slovenian presidency of the EU said.