Red Voice Media

Pediatric Healthcare Whistleblower: HORRIFIC REALITY We All Expected

Pediatric Healthcare Whistleblower: HORRIFIC REALITY We All Expected

So, our anonymous next guest is a physical therapist. She has 20 years of experience including 18 in a hospital setting. She’s worked in cardiac, trauma, and neurological settings, and she’s worked in Covid ICUs. Point is, she’s been there a long time. She knows what she’s talking about, and she can distinguish vaccine side effects from the normal ebb and flow of medical problems.

“Vaccine” Murder Charges Accepted by Prosecutors, Officials Intentionally Killed Patients

“Vaccine” Murder Charges Accepted by Prosecutors, Officials Intentionally Killed Patients

One thing that is now confirmed is that doctors in British care facilities instituted a blanket “Do Not Resuscitate” orders for all patients under their care during the outbreaks. You heard that right. Without doing anything at all to assess individual patients, they just decided that if any patients stopped breathing, they’d simply let them die.