To prevent Communist China’s vessels from violating Philippine maritime and airspace territory, Philippine Congressman Rufus Rodriguez recently reintroduced a bill to restrict CCP aircraft and sea vessels to designated sea lanes and air routes.
In addition to designating special sea lanes and air routes for foreign vessels and aircraft, the bill establishes rules for their innocent passage, and it imposes penalties of up to two years in prison, or fines in excess of $1 million, or both, on the captain, owners or operators of vessels or planes violating the new rules.
The Philippines has repeatedly condemned CCP activities in its 200-mile exclusive economic zone, including the sustained presence of hundreds of fishing boats the Philippines believes contain militia. The Philippines also has long been accusing CCP vessels of harassing and disrupting their own activities.
“No Chinese, or any other vessel should be allowed in our waters without our approval, unless for innocent passage in the designated archipelagic sea lanes,” said Congressman Rodriguez.
The president of the Philippine pledged to defend the sovereignty of their territory, and stand up to any CCP encroachment in the South China Sea.

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