On August 22nd, Miles Guo revealed on Gettr that the Chinese Communist Party is already preparing a cleanup response for the upcoming vaccine disaster and the deaths of a large number of people.
Miles said that the CCP’s usage of BGY tactics[1] made the world a chaotic place, and spread corruption around the globe. Not only did it create a virus that destroyed humanity, but it also used human greed and ignorance to brainwash people around the world to vaccinate their children.
Faced with an impending vaccine disaster and massive deaths, the CCP has built a large number of corpse collection machines and gasification facilities across the country. The CCP has also secretly built more than 10,000 crematoriums across the country that charge exorbitant fees.
Miles said in the video he released that if the vaccine is really as good as the communist propaganda states, what is the purpose of building so many corpse collectors and gasification bases? What is the purpose of building so many crematoriums that collect money? Eventually, those that no longer have money for cremation will be directly vaporized and evaporated without a trace. It is indeed wickedly horrible!
The virus and vaccine disaster can no longer be avoided, and the disaster brought to the world by the Chinese Communist Party continues!

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