Miles Guo, founder of Whistleblower Movement said in a Gettr’s video on August 7th that Xi Jinping personally criticized “those who play with fire will get burned” on Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan. However, Xi wrote “tomb” instead of “burn”, despite the fact that the two words have the same pronunciation. Dai Yongge knows this first-hand.
Dai has a close relationship with CCP senior official Zeng Qinghong’s family. Dai owns at least 20 billion GBP in cash. He gambles every day in the UK and is the largest bet in London. Many second-generation officials have come to woo him, including Xi Jinping’s family.
Despite the arrests of Meng Jianzhu, Sun Lijun, and Wang Qishan, Dai is able to remain safe aboard. He is so quick and accurate in understanding Xi’s current situation, especially for a major event such as Pelosi’s historic visit to Taiwan.
Xi’s whereabouts are completely transparent to Dai. Xi’s daughter is going to get married, and Xi does not allow his son-in-law’s family to reveal a single word.
Zeng Qinghong’s power is so entrenched that Xi dared not reach out to bring down Liu Yangping, let alone Dai who is closest to Zeng compared to Liu.
Dai kept a mistress star, giving her cash, cars, watches, fake diamonds. He bought diamonds for a young girl in the UK. Because the girl wanted to buy everything, Dai had to call the shop behind her back to stop her shopping spree.
Dai is a thug, but is closest to the most capable family in the Chinese Communist Party, the Zeng family. It was the greatest failure of Zeng to allow his children to associate with villains like Dai.
Both Xi and Zeng are CCP members, from which anyone will be taken down. Xi was very insecure, while Zeng allowed his family to associate with villains. So there will be no winner in the power struggle between Xi and Zeng.
The West will be financially decoupled from Communist China and is very clear about not supplying chips to China and cutting ties with Chinese telecommunication. This will lead to problems in the rail industry, airline industry and the banking industry.

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