According to media sources, Ukrainian President Zelensky called on the West to suspend sanctions against certain Russian oligarchs. Miles Guo also shared his views on the super-rich of Russia compared to China’s communist super-rich. Pres. Zelenskyy said in an interview with an independent Russian media on March 27 that he was informed of a list of Russian businessmen supporting Kyiv, including Roman Abramovich, a Russian billionaire and the owner of the Premier League Chelsea Football Club. He reportedly asked President Biden to drop plans to sanction Abramovich who took part in peace talks, according to the WSJ, citing people with knowledge of the call.
Zelenskyy expressed that Ukraine is willing to help Russian businessmen who are helping Kyiv to fight against the Russian troops; and that Ukraine will provide them protection and later with jobs and development opportunities for their businesses.
Speaking of business tycoons, on March 27, in Miles Grand Live broadcast, Miles shared his views about the huge differences between the super-rich of Russia versus that of Communist China. Miles said that Abramovich serves the role of proxy for some of former Russian President Boris Yeltsindevi’s family assets, and his ties to Putin are geared to fulfill his promise to protect Yeltsin’s family and the family’s assets. Despite his huge wealth, Abu is gentle, courteous, and has class; and people from the Chelsea Football Club are very fond of their boss.

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