Miles Guo announced in his Grand Live Broadcast on March 25 that G-Fashion officially accepts consumers to use HPay with HDollar for their purchases, setting a new milestone in the use and circulation of digital currency.As seen from the live demonstration, the purchase process was easily completed, and it brings customers a great shopping experience.
Miles explained that the first generation of crypto currency – Bitcoin, opened the horizon of non-physical money, but it boasted decentralized feature also makes it in the predicament of being unmanaged and unaccountable; therefore, it’s only a tool for speculators to speculate in the financial systems. The second generation, while improved on some of Bitcoin’s shortcomings, still failed to meet the requirements of being a circulating currency.
Himalaya Exchange issued HDollar and HCoin with a strict KYC audit system, which excludes problematic customers at the account opening stage. The new blockchain technology is also used to meet the practical need of protecting customer privacy and fast transfer of funds. This is the only digital currency that has the encrypted advantage of blockchain technology and meanwhile, meets the practical circulation and regulatory requirements in the market.

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